Sunday, December 28, 2014

A New Year is coming!

Aardwolf Industries LLC makes wholehearted wishes to our valued customers:
Opportunities. Success. Prosperity. And Peace
Stay with you in the year of 2015.

Let’s see them come true together!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The more powerful a lifter is, the more profit you earn

Sheer muscle power
With a desire to reach the sky and to erect big buildings or temples, ancient people employed rudimentary lifting tools to lift up stone block up to the height they expected. For example, the largest Egyptian tower of memory with the weight of more than 500 tons was lifted up more than 30 meters tall while the largest obelisk with the weight of 520 tons in the Kingdom of Axum in Ethiopia (4th century AD), was raised up to a similar height. They use lifting tools driven by sheer muscle power. The first lifting tool which is the same as crane first appeared in Greece from about the late 6th or early 5th century BC. Owning to this tool, Romans could erect bigger buildings or temples.
Theoretically, human power is no limit to lift up. The sophisticated lifting machines today get the advantage of speed, not height.  

Advanced technology
The Industrial Revolution which bloomed out in the Western countries in the late 18th century brings innovations to lifting devices. Sophisticated machines were born to help people lift up the heavier loads in a quicker and safer manner. As fossil fuel was discovered, lifting devices were fossil fuelled powered to bring to extra advantages for lifting operation.

As ergonomics is critical
Lifting up always goes with risks of danger. The safety of operators is a critical thing. Engineers utilize the ergonomic development to produce lifting devices that eliminate risks.
Today, many companies operating in stone, glass and metal industries employ lifting devices in lifting up heavy materials.

And applied to real work
Aardwolf Industries Sole LLC’s lifting devices are produced based on researches of ergonomics in compliance with Standards Australia. Starting an Aardwolf Lifters are patented by the owner, James Corbett, CEO of Aardwolf Industries Sole LLC, lifting devices has ceaselessly been developed and becomes known in the stone, glass and metal industries, not only in Vietnam, where its factory is located, but also in the world.

Aardwolf Scissor Clamp Lifter 

Aardwolf Scissor Clamp Lifter 

“Using Aardwolf’s Scissor Clamp Lifter, we, operators, are safe and secure out of danger, the company is more cost-saving because the rate of broken marbles due to falling of marbles is almost zero during maneuvering”, says an operator who has many years of experience in operation of lifting devices for a big stone and marble company, Van Khoa Stone Company located in Hung Yen province, in the north of Vietnam.

According to the experienced operator, by virtue of gravity controlled feature and an automatic looking latch, Aardwolf’s Scissor Clamp Lifter prevents the unexpected falling of slab. The clamps automatically grip the load as lifted and release it as the load is on the ground. This is really a strong advantage of Aardwolf’s Scissor Clamp Lifter compared against other lifters with the same function, yet much higher price.

With a small initial investment, lifting devices obviously brings additional benefits in both lifting operation and return of investment.

The operators of Van Khoa company are handling the marble slab, using Scissor Clamp Lifter — at Thành Phố Hưng Yên.

The operators of Van Khoa company are handling the marble slab, using Scissor Clamp Lifter — at Thành Phố Hưng Yên.

Friday, November 14, 2014

When the sea, sand and wind are calling us…

Each high quality product requires many mentally and manually hard-working contributions from each employee.
The employee’s living standards, and spiritual and physical needs are, thus, placed on top priority of Aardwolf Industries LLC’s executive board.
That is why there is a four-day vacation held on November 7-10th, 2014, for all employees in Nha Trang. The vacation is considered as not only an opportunity for the employees to enjoy the beauty of one of most beautiful beaches in Vietnam, but a chance to tightly bond everyone and make us more understanding.
The sea, sand, wind and smiles enable us to forget all of stresses and burdens of life. We totally feel as if we are one family.

Not to utter a word, but each feels like to have more energy to love, to live and to work in a better way.

(Nha Trang, mùa biển gọi…
Đằng sau một sản phẩm chất lượng cao là sự góp sức của biết bao mồ hôi và trí óc con người.
Quan tâm đến đời sống và nhu cầu về tinh thần cũng như sức khỏe của từng nhân viên và công nhân là một trong những ưu tiên hàng đầu của ban lãnh đạo Công ty Kỹ Nghệ Sói.
Ngày 7-10/11/2014 vừa qua, ban lãnh đạo công ty đã tổ chức kỳ nghỉ dài ngày cho toàn thể công nhân viên tại Nha Trang. Kỳ nghỉ không chỉ là cơ hội cho từng người thưởng thức vẻ đẹp của một trong những bãi biển đẹp nhất Việt Nam mà còn là dịp để từng người hiểu nhau hơn, gắn bó nhau hơn như tình thân trong gia đình.
Kết thúc kỳ nghỉ, tập thể công nhân viên Công ty Kỹ Nghệ Sói cảm thấy như có thêm nghị lực để yêu, sống và làm việc tốt hơn.)

Monday, November 3, 2014


+ Thời gian: 19/11 - 23/11/2014
+ Trung tâm Hội chợ Triển lãm Việt Nam (VEFAC) - 148 Đường Giảng Võ, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
+ Gian hàng Aardwolf: 518 - 519 

Chúng tôi rất hân hạnh được đón tiếp quý khách tại buổi triển lãm và mong chờ có cơ hội hợp tác cùng quý vị trong tương lai.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Vacuum Lifters

We offer a wide range of standard or custom vacuum lifters that provide material handling solutions for any application. Discover how Vacuum lifters provide a more efficient and safer movement of your material in your field of work today.

Available options include:
+ Electrical
+ Self-Powered Mechanical
+ Compressed Air
+ Battery Powered

Please visit our website for further information:

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Aardwolf's Valuable Presence in Surface Exhibition

Uniting the industry in 2014, SURFACES and StonExpo/Marmomacc Americas co-launched with the all new TileExpo, creating the ultimate event essential to flooring, stone and tile professionals. Together, these three world-class trade shows will feature four impressive days of the newest products, hands-on demos, inspiring trends, key manufacturers, industry suppliers, along with unmatched education and networking. Elevate your business, your profits, your future.

Friday, September 19, 2014


Duong An Phu 23, Khu Pho 1B, Phuong An Phu Thi Xa Thuan An, Tinh Binh Duong
PHONE: +84 650 3712840